Seize the exceptional opportunity to License Audio and Television categories for this Iconic German Brand in North America
In 2020, there is a community of 7 dependable BLAUPUNKT licensees around the globe already labeling their TV and / or Audio products with the iconic BLAUPUNKT brand.
The existing network of partners collaborate often strengthening each other’s brand presence and industry connections. Some benefits BLAUPUNKT audio and television partners have relied on in the past include:
- Technology Cooperation EG Acquiring Google Assistant Rights
- Combined sourcing power
- Common HMI development
- Industry Connections for top manufacturing facilities
GIP Development actively encourages this sharing of resources, knowledge, and contacts. We do this by facilitating partners to collaborate, identifying contacts for specific connections, and supporting partner discussions about common goals and obstacles.
Check out some of our active licensees and the products currently offered on the market:
-> Audio Germany
-> Audio Western Europe
-> Audio Eastern Europe
-> Audio India-> TV India
-> TV / Audio Australia
-> Let´s start this project together and connect with us.